
10 Facts about The Sims 4

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Tuesday, September 17, 2013 - 15:26

The official Spanish Sims magazine had this 10 bullet point list about The Sims 4. Thanks goes out to Rincón del Simmer and SimsVIP.

  1. There will be right-handed Sims… but there will also be left-handed Sims!
  2. The Sims 4 will work better in low-end machines than The Sims 3.
  3. With the passage of time, hair and beard will grow.
  4. The wind will make the Sims’ hair and clothing move.
  5. With the Create a Sim feature, you will be able to change the feet size.
  6. Pregnant Sims will have unique emotions that no one else will experience.
  7. There will be three voice types for men and women.
  8. There won’t be Wishes, but little goals for Sims to accomplish and gain awesome rewards.
  9. Every life cycle will have a special emotion only for Sims in it.
  10. Sims won’t die randomly anymore, like by a meteor strike or a lightning. They will die only by things done by the player.

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