DC Independent Film Festival Features Movies Made With The Sims!

Three Sims players created movies using The Sims 2, and from more than 1,200 submissions were selected by the DC Independent Film Festival to be featured!
DC Independent Film Festival Features Movies Made With The Sims!
EA Games is awarding the newest Sims 2 expansion pack, Open For Business, to the movie directors that were selected for the DC Independent Film Festival. More than 110 films were screened all over the nation's capital in the eighth annual DC Independent Film Festival held March 2nd thru March 12th. Three movies created using Sims 2 were selected from more than 1,200 submissions. The Sims 2 movies officially selected by DCIFF were created by: April Hoffmann, André Lopion, and Michelle Pettit-Mee working with Kheri Batal.
Watch the Sims 2 films officially selected for DCIFF:
- "The Awakening Episode 1" by April Hoffmann - Fansite with Movie : MySim Page
- "Me and Myself" by André Lopion Fansite with Movie : MySim Page
- "A Different Song" by Michelle Pettit-Mee and Kheri Batal - Fansite with Movie: MySim Page
Five other directors selected by DCIFF produced movies with other games. These directors will receive copies of the Sims 2 game to encourage them create their next movie in the Sims world.