
News Archive - 2015

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy
The Sims 4: Get Together render

The Sims 4: Get Together render

I think it's new! I hadn't seen it before.

The Sims 4: Get Together render

The Sims 4: Get Together render

In case you missed it, The Sims Studio is going to have another Live Broadcast on Twitch next Friday!

Join us on Friday at 11AM PT, we'll be streaming The Sims 4 Get Together!

You can watch the broadcast here!

Guten tag! Have any plans for #Oktoberfest?

De Sims 4 bestaat 1 jaar!

SimFans created a very cool infographic about the 1 year anniversary of The Sims 4, and asked SNW if we wanted to translate it to Dutch! And we were delighted to do so. In this infographis you can see all the important moments of the past year in the world of The Sims 4!

For our international readers, SimsVIP has the English version! But here's our Dutch version:

SimsVIP discovered a new pack announcement on the official site:

It looks like it wasn't supposed to be seen yet, since they took it down. Then again, who knows, they might like that we're speculating now? :P

Unravel: Official Announce Gameplay Trailer | E3 2015

EA announced a new game called Unravel. Here's the trailer!

The above screen is a wallpaper you can download on SNW!

EA sent out an announcement for the upcoming patch which will be released today:

Sul Sul!


News Archive