
News Archive - 2013

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

There is a new patch available! Just open your launcher and go to the Game Updates tab!

To install this update, please start your game and use the “Updates” tab in your Launcher.

This game update includes the following changes:

Base Game Updates

This just appeared on the official forums. Join #TheMOOvement!

This is probably one of the most anticipated sets and who can disagree? Everyone loves cows! Designer Copeland shares all the fun things about cows below. Make sure to check back on Thursday, September 5th to be the first to get a cow!

A few weeks ago I sent out a Tweet that said, “Guess what? I’ve got a fever…” well today I’m here to tell you that the only prescription is more cowbell!

It's taken over half a year since the PC launch, but Maxis has officially launched SimCity for Mac today. If you purchased the game already, there's no need to do it again: all copies of SimCity, whether digital or retail copies, can be used to play the game on both PC and Mac. To play the game on Mac, start Origin on Mac and install the game as usual.

Excited for The Sims 4? Decorate your room with this awesome poster!

Rosana, webmaster of SimsNetwork, will be in today's Live Broadcast about The Sims 4 and The Sims 3: Into the Future. The show is live from the Gamescom floor. Watch it in the player below, as of 5pm CEST (3pm GMT, 4pm in Britain). The broadcast is now over, but you can catch the repeat below. Scroll to 57:40 minutes for the first part (mostly The Sims 4), or 3:09:27 for part 2 (The Sims 3: Into the Future).

The Sims 4 Gamescom 2013 Press Conference

Maxis has added the Sims 4 briefing from the EA Gamescom 2013 press conference to the Sims YouTube channel. Watch the show below.

With the unveiling of The Sims 4 at EA's GamesCom 2013 press conference, a set of screenshots and two trailers was released. Check them out below.


News Archive