
Farm Fresh Folk Set

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy
Thursday, September 5, 2013 - 18:15

Are the chickens and horses lonely on your Sim's farm? Enter the Farm Fresh Folk Set with the Milkin' It Dairy Corral and your problems are solved! In addition to cows (YES, COWS!), you'll get a whole new set of pioneer-inspired clothing and home decor to help you create the perfect farm! Your Sims are one step closer to self-sufficient living...

The Farm Fresh Folk Set contains 20 items. One of these items is the premium item Milkin' It Dairy Corral!

The Milkin' It Dairy Corral lets you milk cows until the cows come home..err..never mind. These aren't just normal cows though - they can give you several different flavors of milk, and if you're lucky, milkshakes! Be careful though, these cows are smart and competitive. They have no mercy when playing an intense game of Tic-Tac-Hoof, and they don't like to be tipped over!

The new store set is now available for download! It costs 1,400 SimPoints, but is on sale until September 13, 2013 for 1,200 SimPoints!

View and download the Farm Fresh Folk Set in The Sims 3 Store!

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