
News Archive - 2012

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

Our The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff review is now online! Click on the picture to read the review!

The Sims 3 Master Suite Stuff

Today (Friday) we're going to EA again, to play The Sims 3 Showtime, again! We won't be able to take pictures or Tweet live. But if you have any questions regarding the SimPort function or the Magician career, let me know, leave a comment! I'll check in a couple of times to see if there are any questions. The event takes place from 12:00-4:00pm (GMT+1).

I hope I collected them all. If not, feel free to comment and let me know!



In February a lot of fansites attended Showtime events. Here is a list of all the articles I could find. Did I miss an important article? Be sure to let me know! Happy


OS Games EA has posted the Sims 3 Showtime commercial with Katy Perry!

SimTimes has posted 5 pictures from the GameStar preview article.

I just learned that EA and Maxis are developing SimCity 5! See this article on Tweakers (in Dutch).

Thanks to Cheetah for the heads up!

The Sims 3 Lunar Lakes


So I recently got my hands on Lunar Lakes, the new world created by The Sims Studio. It's amazing, but you'll see that in my review. Have fun! And when you're done reading and watching, please take the time to leave a comment. I spent days on the review so it's definitely fun to read feedback! :D

The Sims franchise celebrates its 12 year anniversary!

Happy birthday to The Sims! The Sims franchise celebrates another milestone and wants to share some fun facts and a special birthday mosaic that many of you contributed to. Check out the infographic below. Here's to another great year and playing with life!


News Archive