
News Archive - June, 2012

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy
Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine (premium content for The Sims 3)

Today I have a surprise for you! I combined two reviews into one. I was actually going to write two separate reviews, one for the Sizzle Baby Pro Deep Fryer and one for the Frost-Bite Pro Ice Cream Machine. The reason I'm combining them? Well just continue to read and you'll find out quickly enough!

The Hypnotizer (premium content for The Sims 3)

Some time ago I received the Hypnotizer so I could write a review. I did play with it and made screens and videos. But before I could use them, the computer died, as you may have read in a couple of other posts. Small disclaimer in advance, I have a couple of UI images in English and some others in Dutch. Due to some issues I was unable to make screenshots of everything in each language, but you'll get the idea. Anyway, here it is. I finally managed to finish this mini review. Enjoy. And please leave a comment when you're done reading. Happy

SimCity Social

I was just busy with my work, when I took a little break and checked Facebook. Wrong! SimCity Social just went live and I'm already hooked! Join me today, add me as a neighbor if you like, and play SimCity Social!!

The Not So Routine Machine (premium content for The Sims 3)

Time for another (mini) review! A couple of months ago I received The Not So Routine Machine for reviewing purposes! Although I love these mini reviews myself, it wasn't a good time for me. I moved in April and am now in a half finished home haha. Also my computer died recently (has been repaired so it's all good now). Because of the move, it's really hectic and I barely have time to spend online. This week though I decided to take a break from all the decorating and stuff. So now I present to you, the mini review of The Not So Routine Machine! Enjoy! And leave a comment when you're done reading. I love to hear your thoughts.

Thought it would be nice to have the chat embedded here!

SimCity Social

The Critically-Acclaimed Simulation Franchise That Launched The City-Building Genre Stakes Claim On Facebook

Top brands coming to Europe’s biggest gaming event of the year

Guildford, UK - June 15, 2012 – Electronic Arts is set to delight consumers from around the word at gamescom 2012. The company’s top brands will be in Cologne this August to showcase the latest first person shooter, action, sports, simulation and casual titles across multiple platforms. EA is set to unveil new content and services from its best loved franchises including FIFA 13, Medal of Honor™ Warfighter, Need for Speed™ Most Wanted, Crysis® 3, SimCity™, and others.

What's this personal stuff doing on the front page? Well, some of you may know me, some of you don't. Some of you know why it's been quiet here, but others may not. I won't write a long post here, I just want to tell why SNW has been keeping a low profile lately.


News Archive