Community Spotlight Interview: berrypie27

If you've spotted colorful Sims with yummy dessert names, chances are, it was created by berrypie27. Legacies, Sims, machinima - her Berry Sims are everywhere! Check out our latest Community Spotlight Interview and see how her Berry Sweet phenomenon started!
Community Spotlight Interview: berrypie27
If you've been perusing around The Sims 3 Exchange you've probably seen some colorful Sims and Households with names that sound like sweet treats. And if you're into Legacies, you've probably seen participants taking part in Berry Sweet Legacies. Meet berrypie27 - the mastermind behind nearly everything Berry! She applies her Berry-fying skills to Sims, Lots, machinima and beyond! Take a look at how this top creator began creating these colorful Sims, some tips on how to create perfect Berry Sims, her transition from The Sims 2 to The Sims 3 and more.
How long have you been playing The Sims games?
Seems like centuries ago. I actually did start back in the days of The Sims 1, but it was very casual. It was not until I saw my very first The Sims 2 machinima that I really got hooked.
What was your first creation in any of The Sims games?
My very first creation, was a The Sims 2 Machinima. It was called "On My Own" and it was my very first attempt. It was such an exciting feeling, and everyone who watched it was so supportive. From there I was truly inspired to make more. When the right song comes along it just hits you and you know.
Your Sims are so colorful and we love the dessert/fruity names! We can't pick a favorite out any of them - but do you have any favorites?
Haha! Oh goodness that is a hard one. I think Blueberry Muffin will always hold a dear place in my heart, but I have to say Merlot Pinot Noir is a close second!
What got you into creating dessert-like Sims with tasty names?
It actually started back with this old MMORPG I use to play. All my characters were sweet. In fact all of my main players got their names there. Blueberry Muffin, Espresso Twist, Fairy Floss and more. Too many characters to list. I kinda had the idea in mind very early on, but it was not until another member- Alyssum Candy created her Simmy Sweet Pea, that I thought about taking it to the full extent by changing their skintone. I consider her my Berry Sweet co-founder and she definitely earns an honorable mention. Thanks Candy!
We've seen Berry Legacies, Berry Sweet Modeling competitions, Berry Sweet neighborhood - you seem to have started a phenomenon! Which of these are initiated by you? Do you take part in all of these?
I pretty much had a hand in all those Berry Sweet dealings. In one way or another. The Berry Sweets really came to the masses from the Berry Sweet Competition. I had no idea it would be such a huge success, I just knew it was different from all the other modeling competitions I had seen and if you wanna catch peoples attention, you gotta bring something fresh to the table...LOL no pun intended.
You're truly versatile in creating - whether it's Sims, Lots, and machinima. What do you like to create most?
Oh, for sure the Machinima. When I make one, I kinda just zone until it is done. Its a really fun process. I really enjoy entertaining people.
You also created machinima for The Sims 2, how was the transition for this going into The Sims 3?
At first it was pretty tough. I had all but given up, but with the purchase of a new computer that was much more capable of handling the game, it was like a dream come true. After learning some tricks of the trade, it was so much easier than it was in The Sims 2.
Do you have a favorite style or genre in machinima-making?
I am not sure that I do. I like music that tells a story. Sometimes it's happy, sometimes sad, sweet, funny. All depends on what strikes me. I am game for anything, though I have never tried a horror. Hmmmm...
Do you like to collaborate with other creators? What collaborative projects have you taken part in?
I love Collabs. I have a done a few Collab legacies with people and I use other members' Simmies and lots in my Machinimas all the time. Probably the biggest is the Berry Sweet Neighborhood project. So many talented creators are sharing their Berry best. Its really quite amazing. They all rawk!
Do you have any trade secrets that you're willing to share with aspiring creators who want to make Berry-like Sims or create their own Berry-inspired challenges?
Hmmm, well,I guess one thing I could recommend is- when creating a Berry Sweet try not to wash them out. If they are green, don't make hair and skin and clothes all the same green. Vary it up. Complementing colors and different shades can really make a huge difference. Other than that, just let your creativity run wild!
What are you working on next? Can you tease us a bit about your upcoming creations?
I am actually working on a new Machinima as I type this. It will probably be up and ready very soon. Its about our hunky Merlot Pinot Noir and his many lady friends. It's hilarious and fun! I can't wait for everyone to see it!
Do you have any websites that promote your work you'd like to share?
I do have a couple -
- We have our Berry Sweet website. It's a place for everyone to talk and share their creations and ideas. So many amazing stories are shared there also.
- My YouTube channel
- My Berry Sweet Rainbowcy - Splash of Color
Thank you so much, berrypie27, for taking part in our interview! Don't forget to visit her Studio and download her Berry creations in her My Page and to check out her Berry Sweet website, her YouTube channel, and her Rainbowcy blog!