
News Archive - 2005

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

Preview the highlights of The Nightlife Expansion pack in the latest video.

The Sims 2 Content Manager is a simple tool that allows you to view modified content added to your game. You can then enable, disable or delete the content from this tool, and have this reflected in The Sims 2 game and it's expansion packs.

Get The Sims 2 Content Manager

The Sims 2 brings new items, new features, and control tweaks to the console (PS2, Xbox, and NGC)

Read more!

The Sims 2 Nightlife Expansion Pack will be in retail stores September 15th. Pre-order now to secure your copy before the rush and receive an exclusive car download!

Download Your New Car!

Some fun new Nightlife screenshots and a video have been released. Look in the Screenshots and Video section.

The Nightlife Styles Contest Winners have been announced. Over one thousand entries were received for this contest and these two winning outfits will be featured in The Sims 2 Nightlife coming this Fall!

See The Winners!

Hi Everyone,

Well I know I haven't written in awhile, but as many of you may know, I've been traveling around showing the game to a lot of our international players. It was a great trip, and as always, I was blown away by the fan community and their love for the game. I also had some great Sims cultural experiences, like Disco Bowling with the Dutch fan community in Amsterdam – talk about something you can tell the grandkids someday.

Congratulations to Limbo1n! His film, "Everyday" moved our judges and he was awarded the Grand Prize for Best Overall Film in The Sims 2 Student Life Movie Contest with USC School of Movie-Television.

See the Winners

...or Get Well Soon with a postcard from 2 more cards are available for you to send a special message to someone you care about.

Send A Special Message

The Sims have found their way to the USA Network website.

Can you find them?


News Archive