
News Archive - 2004

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

Onze collega's van Kidsplanet hebben een kijkje genomen op het Sims forum! Ze wilden wel eens weten hoe een Sim nu eigenlijk kerst viert! Neem snel even een kijkje...

Lees verder...

Get The Sims 2 HomeCrafter Plus, the hot new tool that lets you create unique design elements you can use to personalize your Sim's lots and homes!

Get The Tool!

Bring the festivities of Kwanzaa to your Sim's home with this decorative Kinara.

Kwanzaa is a seven day festival celebrating the African American people, culture, and history. Every evening of Kwanzaa, a family member lights a candle in a special candleholder called a Kinara. Each of the candles represents one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa, and the red, black, and green colors represent the Pan African flag.

Light The First Candle

Happy Holidays Everyone,

I hope everyone liked last week's download on Though I've got to say, I've been so impressed with the Christmas Trees the community members have been making on their own. I continue to be blown away by your creativity and ingenuity.

The scent of pine will fill your home and your room will twinkle with this beautifully decorated Christmas Tree!

Since Roman times, trees have been decorated with lights to honor the gods of the harvest and light. Northern Europeans later adapted these rituals to fancy, new Eastern religions. Made even more popular in 19th century Germany, some contend the tree is really a throwback to the mythological Norse tree named Yggdrasil.

Trim The Tree

"Once a student has managed to graduate, four new careers will be unlocked to them adding even more reward to gameplay."

Go To

We have added a few new pods to the homepage. The poll is back! Cast your vote in our rather unscientific polling area, check out the latest uploads from the community, or see what the community is talking about in the Community Update pod. Enjoy!

Bring a little holiday spirit to your desktop with these 3 new wallpapers. Enjoy!

Get Some Holiday Spirit

De Sims 2 DVD-editie bevat een volledige versie van De Sims 2 op DVD-rom plus een extra DVD met vele leuke extra's!

Bonusinhoud DVD-editie:

Hey Folks,

It's time for another T-Mail!


News Archive