
News Archive - 2002

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

We would like to thank everyone that showed up to the Unleashed chat event yesterday. We have posted the transcripts in the About Unleashed FAQ area for those of you that were unable to make it.

Go To Chat Transcripts has a great preview of Unleashed. Find out about pets, gardening, community lots, and more.

Go To

To celebrate the 2002 PGA Tournament we are spotlighting user-created courses that focus on Hazeltine course and the 2002 PGA Tournament.

View all Hazeltine Courses
View all 2002 PGA Courses

The EA store is taking pre-orders for SimCity 4. You can reserve your copy today!

Go To EA Store has just posted a preview of Unleashed on their stylish looking site, check it out!

Go To

Welcome to the new home of the SimCity 3000 website. Please update your bookmarks accordingly. You may also want to bookmark the new home of the SimCity 4 website.

Go To The SimCity 4 Website

With the city of New York in all of our hearts, we have made a selection of work from the Building Exchange that pays tribute to the great city of New York. This Best Of The Web package consists of buildings from New York created by SimCity fans from around the world. We hope you enjoy this special download.

Go To Best Of The Web reports on SimCity 4 and they include a 7 minute demo movie on their media page.

Go To has 5 exclusive screenshots of Unleashed to whet your appetite.

Go to

Get the latest news from the SimCity 4 production team. Learn about the new Effects System, Programming Traffic and Making Cities Grow.

Go To The SimCity 4 Website


News Archive