
News Archive - 2002

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

Now you can create your very own SimCity 4 Fansite with the SimCity 4 Fansite Kit. Download yours today!

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All of our fans from Germany can now get the latest news from their very own website! Check out!

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Did you see the cover of Newsweek? Some of your favorite Sims are on the cover! The Sims Online were also featured in Time!

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Want to see some of the highlights of creating landscapes? Watch the newest video in the Video's area.

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For those of you that missed this event, transcripts are available at

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Thank you to everyone that attended the chat event. If you were unable to make it, the transcripts are now available at

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If you haven't seen The Sims for Playstation 2 yet, check out these previews!

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We will be hosting a chat event on Thursday, November 14th at 3PM (PST) with SimCity 4 Designer, Michael McCormick where he will answer all of your questions about the MySim feature in SimCity 4. Get there early to submit your questions.

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Thank you for your patience! The Unleashed patch is now available in the Get Cool section.

Go To Unleashed Patch

We have posted 5 new articles from the SimCity 4 production team about Props, Customizing You Cities, Automata, Scripting, and Region Play!

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News Archive