
News Archive - 2000

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

The Block Party contest is over and the judging has begun. Thanks to all who entered! We'll post the winners next SimDay.

Go to SimDay Events

The Sims expansion pack is coming -- and here's where you can see what's in it. Check out the sneak peek screenshots and press previews!

Go To Livin' Large Preview

One month after Unlimited hits the streets marks the grand opening of the Hall of Fame. A few fans, who's contributions caught our eye, are featured in this grand opening.

Go to Hall of Fame

Here is your chance to go back and get your favorite buildings and cities from the original SimCity 3000 Exchange. An archive of thousands of fan created gems is open for business. Just click here to visit the archive.

Go to SimCity 3000 Downloads

Don't forget -- just one week left to submit your entries for our Block Party contest!

Go to SimDay Events

Download a brand new Maxis-made scenario. Test your Mayor skills in the challenging new Scenario, "Good Fellas." For everyone out there who has a dark side, this just might be the test for you.

Go to Scenarios and Scenario Scripts

Here is an article about how game companies have to tailor their content for different cultures.

Go to Reviews

San Jose Mercury
Game Publishers Need to Know Global Tastes
"At Electronic Arts and its Maxis development studio in Walnut Creek, the buildup to last month's release of SimCity 3000 Unlimited included some cultural acuity that goes way beyond doughnuts and Danishes."

Get the lowdown on what's coming in the Expansion Pack! The developers told all - well, almost all - in this chat session.

Go to Get Cool Stuff

Summer's here, and it's time for a block party! Show us what kind of backyard bash you can throw for your Sims and their neighbors.

Go to SimDay Events

Get the latest information on SimCity 3000 Unlimited performance concerns here.

Go to Performance Update


News Archive