
News Archive - 2000

Please note I'm currently working on the new site. I didn't want to take the site offline though, so you can still visit it. However me working on the site while it's still online means a lot of the pages will appear wonky. But not to worry, it won't take too long. Happy

In case you missed the chat on CNN with Will, here is a link!

Go to CNN Transcripts, click read more to read the chat transcript.

'Tis the season for a Holiday Building Contest! Maxis judges are in the holiday mood and want you to show them your best holiday building! So get out the mistletoe and eggnog and let those creative juices flow. Make sure you read the rules, there are some new judging criteria!

Go to Contests

At 11:00 am PST today, Will is going to be in a live chat on CNN Online -- be there!

Go To

Winter comes to The Sims! Many fan sites have created lots of great winter- and holiday-themed stuff, and we'd like to see what you can do with it! Show us your version of a Winter Wonderland in The Sims.

Go To SimDay Events

Hey, BA+ Builders! Are you tired of that flat look you get from window details? Well, MaxisJoseph has been experimenting a little and has devised some "window props" that really give some depth to such details. Click here to download his first set. Perhaps some of you are up to the challenge of making more examples of window props?

Go to Building Architect Plus Downloads

The only holiday to land right on a SimDay this year is Thanksgiving -- so we roasted you a turkey! Download this tasty new object for your game right here.

Turkey Dinner
Thanksgiving just wouldn't be right without a big, juicy turkey. And we've got one for you!
Download Turkey (380 Kb)

MaxisWaylon has been busy since the release of his last scenario. He has been doing research in Egypt. We are glad to have him back since he comes bearing gifts. As it turns out, one of those gifts is a brand new scenario for the fans. Check out the latest downloads for the Curse of the Pharaohs scenario. You won't be disappointed.

Go to Scenarios and Scenario Scripts

Check out the latest SimSpot TV episode on GameSpot. This one follows up on an episode written by Will Wright!

Go To SimSpot TV

At 4pm PST, we'll be hosting a chat with some of the developers of The Sims. Stop by and get the inside scoop!

Go To Chat

This vertical cantilever structure is perfect for surveying the city. This communications tower was built in 1964 and is a significant icon in the city of Vienna. From it heights of 252 meters any tourist will be able to marvel at the city beneath them.

Go to Unlimited Landmarks


News Archive